Below is a list of providers who work in other disciplines within eating disorder treatment such as life coaching.


Tabitha Farrar


Nutritional rehabilitation plus full neural rewiring.

Joanna Stonestreet


My objective is to honor the whole person and to give those suffering the permission and tools necessary to create order where there is disorder as opposed to “getting rid of” the disorder.

Lisa Aronovitz


I believe in the power of each individual’s ability to discover who they are and what they want to do to move…

Becky Henry


Becky’s coaching model guides family caregivers to shift from fear & worry to embracing joy and hope We respect that caregivers provide a vital role in recovery and our programs educate and support them to be calm, compassionate, confident caregivers.

Ingrid Abild-Pedersen


If you work with me, you are not alone. I push you in a kind but firm way out of your comfort zone, and at the same time I am your biggest cheerleader.

EDRC aims to maintain a current list of local eating disorder treatment professionals and services for those located in Silicon Valley Bay Area and surrounding counties. If you would like to be included in this list or have a recommendation of someone to include, please CLICK HERE to complete an application form or contact us at