Find out about other eating disorder organizations and institutions, and helpful eating disorder resources.

Academy for Eating Disorders (AED)

AED is an international trans-disciplinary professional organization that promotes excellence in research, treatment and prevention of eating disorders. The AED provides education, training and a forum for collaboration and professional dialogue.

The Body Positive

The Body Positive’s mission is to teach young people to creatively transform the conditions in their lives that shape their body image and relationship to food and movement. We use our compelling and straightforward educational materials to help people adopt a Health at Every Size lifestyle, allowing them to enjoy healthy eating and physical movement in their natural bodies.

Campus Companion for College Students

Both Eating Disorder recovery and college require commitment, time, and support. If you are a student struggling with an eating disorder, you can still receive the treatment you need while maintaining your college experience. This resource provides meal support especially for college students struggling with eating disorders.

Carolyn Costin Institute

Carolyn Costin is the founder of Monte Nido and provides training to healthcare providers specializing in eating disorders. The Carolyn Costin Institute offers a variety of courses and training programs for those who are interested.

Comprehensive Guide to Eating Disorders

This guide comprehensively covers the scope of eating disorders — what they are, signs, common treatments, etc. Complete with stats, resources, and expert advice, this guide explains eating disorders among various different groups and takes a closer look at how social media is affecting eating disorder rates.

Diabulimia Helpline

Diabulimia Helpline is a non-profit organization dedicated to support, education and advocacy for people with diabetes and eating disorders, and their loved ones. They have a 24 hour hotline: (425-985-3635)

Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy and Action (EDC)

EDC is a cooperative of professional and advocacy-based organization is committed to federal advocacy for people with ED, their families, and professionals working with them. The website promotes membership in the Family & Friends Action Counsel, an ED awareness advocacy and lobbying group.

The Eating Disorder Foundation

The Eating Disorder Foundation provides resources and support for those struggling with an ED, their friends, and their families. They offer a mentorship program to help individuals begin their process towards recovery.

Eating Disorder Hope

Eating Disorder Hope’s mission is to offer hope, information, and resources to individual eating disorder sufferers, their family members, and treatment providers. The organization began with the help and advice of colleagues, professors, and other organizations specializing in eating disorders. EDH was founded in January 2005.

Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center

The Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center provides information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders. They have an easy-to-search database that is updated daily. provides referrals to eating disorder professionals, treatment facilities and support groups, etc. They have been in business since 1999 and are highly regarded in the eating disorder community.

Eating Disorder Treatment Reviews

Eating Disorders Treatment Reviews, developed by a recovered person who is now a psychologist, is designed to help patients, parents and treatment providers find the best treatment programs for their needs. The site offers a highly searchable database, which includes more that 200 programs across the nation; you can search by location, treatment modality, theoretical model, insurance types accepted, and so much more.


Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders  compiled a comprehensive quick-reference eating disorders dictionary, covering more than 400 terms and concepts used in the diagnosis, treatment and research of eating disorders, eating disturbances and associated conditions. The glossary, published with the help of a team of experts in the eating disorders field, is written for parents and caregivers but it may also help non-specialist professionals and general practitioners understand the complex world of eating disorders.

FEAST also published a helpful guide to navigating the insurance appeals process. You can find a copy of it here.

Gurze Catalogue and Podcast

A catalogue of book titles dealing with Eating Disorders. Free catalogues available online or by calling (800)756-7533. A series of interviews with top experts in the field of eating disorders. Interviews are currently available for free both on ITunes and the official

Jenni Schaefer

Jenni Schaefer is a motivational speaker, writer, and singer. She has carried her message of self acceptance and triumph over adversity to the campuses of Harvard and Yale, to corporate leaders and mental health professionals, and to audiences ranging from teens to seniors, earning an international reputation for her ability to bring just the right insights and approach to each.


Mom2Mom is a community that was created by moms, for moms. We believe no mother should walk this journey alone.

The purpose of Mom2Mom is to provide support, compassion, hope, information, wisdom, and most of all EDucation about eating disorders. The most critical piece of this journey is to be as EDucated and as knowledgeable as possible.

To protect the privacy and confidentiality of its members, Mom2Mom is a “closed private” group. Our commitment to you is to provide a safe and secure sanctuary with complete privacy.

The goal of Mom2Mom is…

  • to be positive, encouraging, and a sanctuary during your journey through hell with the eating disorder. We recognize that there are difficult subjects and conversations that will need to be had.
  • to provide critical resources and support to help you and your loved one navigate the path to recovery, with empathy, compassion and knowledge.
  • to be a lifeline that allows you to breathe.
Website: To join the Mom2Mom Facebook group, click here.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Eating Disorders are a serious mental illness and most often comorbid with another mental illness.

NAMI Family-to-Family is an 8 week educational course for family, caregivers and friends of individuals living with mental illness, facilitated by a trained family member or caregiver with lived experience. Classes are normally offered in the Winter (January), Spring and Fall (September). Please find more information here on the NAMI website.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)

ANAD distributes listings of therapies, hospitals and informative materials, including a comprehensive guide that provides essential information and tangible suggestions for effectively supporting someone through the process of treatment and recovery. In addition, ANAD provides information regarding sponsors, support groups, conferences, advocacy campaigns, research, and a crisis hotline. Contact: Laura Disicipio, Executive Director at: (630) 577-1330

Support at Every Stage, a comprehensive guide:

National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA)

NEDA describes itself as the largest non-profit organization in the United States working to eliminate ED. Its website provides information and links about treatment referrals and support groups, research grants, and educational materials, as well as volunteering, interning, and advocacy opportunities.

Parents Helping Parents

Parents Helping Parents (PHP) provides support, information, and resources to families raising children of any age with any disability. PHP also assists professionals working within the disability community. We deliver workshops on disability services and policies and provide relevant and robust online content. In addition, PHP facilitates parent-to-parent interactions via support groups and 1:1 connections. Virtually all PHP services are provided free of charge.  Ultimately, parents who are supported and have information can build a brighter future for their child. More information on PHP can be found at (English, Spanish and Vietnamese) or by calling 408-727-5775.

Click here to see more details regarding groups offered, registration, and dates.

Contact: Call: 408-727-5775 or email:

Project HEAL

Project HEAL is committed to helping people access support at all stages of recovery. Through peer mentorship, treatment grants, and volunteer chapters, they are bringing hope of full recovery to communities across the country.

Project HEAL’s Insurance Navigation Program connects people struggling with eating disorders with resource guides and insurance navigation specialists to help them understand confusing policies and get the appropriate treatment they need.

Project HEAL also partners with Clinician’s Incubator to offer free, virtual meal support. Meal support sessions are live, facilitated, virtual group meals creating a safe space for those at various stages of eating disorder recovery to consume nutrition with extra support, held four times a day. For schedule information in your time zone, view the flyer here.

Sign Up for Meal Support:


RISE’s vision is to provide ongoing support to university staff in the role of identifying, assessing, and/or treating students with eating disorders on their respective campus. RISE is excited to collaborate with athletic departments by helping them establish an educational and clinical system of care for those seeking recovery.

Stanford Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Program

The Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program is the only comprehensive program in Northern California that treats children and adolescents with eating disorders that include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other eating disorders.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. Helpline at: 1-800-662-4357

Within Health

Within Health is combining revolutionary, innovative technology with superior clinical principles to deliver highly-individualized remote eating disorder treatment and care. Within is an all-inclusive program offering Intensive Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization program for residents of the U.S.