The 2024 Contest Deadline has Been Extended!

Submit your artwork before April 3rd, 2024!

EDRC is proud to continue the annual Be-You-Tiful Multimedia Contest into 2024 with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Santa Clara County Library District. The deadline to submit your artwork on the theme of mental health, self-acceptance, and social media is March 25, 2024 April 3, 2024. View the 2024 flyer for more information, or you can submit your artwork directly through this link.

EDRC hosts an annual multimedia contest highlighting the writing and art of grade 6 through 12 students in Santa Clara County. EDRC’s ultimate goal in hosting the contest is to provide students the opportunity to share their experiences with mental health and body image, encouraging them to dispel misconceptions and speak up towards a solution.

As many as 30% of girls and 16% of boys in American high schools suffer from disordered eating including binging, vomiting, fasting, laxatives, diet pill use, and compulsive exercise. EDRC’s goal, as a part of eating disorders prevention, is to increase “media intelligence” among youth and to encourage body and self-acceptance.

Who Can Apply

Must be a student in the Santa Clara County area between the grades of 6 and 12. Accepting essays, poems, videos, or visual art.


2023 Winners

The 2023 Be-You-Tiful Contest Winners

Thank you to our sponsors for the 2023 contest, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, and our partner, the Santa Clara County Library District.


Kian Egami (Los Gatos High School, Grade 11)

Jupiter Polevoi (Westmont High School, Grade 11)


He Youjia (Piedmont Hills High School, Grade 11)

Tanya Sun (Presentation High School, Grade 11)

Jada King (Palo Alto High School, Grade 11)

Claire Kwon (Redwood Middle School, Grade 8)

Nandika Trivedi (Thomas Russell Middle School, Grade 8)


Christina Zhou (Lynbrook High School, Grade 10)

Natalie Shin (Leland High School, Grade 11)

Dorie Xie (Los Altos High School, Grade 9)

Read about Dorie’s poetry in the Los Altos Town Crier

Emma Xuanyi Ma (Kennedy Middle School, Grade 7)

Alexis Santosa (Stratford San Jose Middle School, Grade 7)

Shrijani T. Hongal (William Hopkins Junior High School, Grade 7)


2022 Winners

Nishi Goyal (Henry M Gunn High School, Grade 10)

Maithreyi Bharathi (Saratoga High School, Grade 10)

Jaimie Nguyen (Evergreen Valley High School, Grade 10)

Grace Xiaoran Li (Saratoga High School, Grade 10)

Shannon Ma (Saratoga High School, Grade 11)

Sophie Qin (Redwood Middle School, Grade 8)

Grace Lin (Redwood Middle School, Grade 8)