CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: MD, Psychiatrist, Child Psychiatrist
BOARD CERTIFIED: Yes, American Board of Psychiatry/American Board of Child Psychiatry & Child Neurology
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 10+ years
Number of patients with eating disorders we treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: Medical School Residences in: Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: Understanding the biological, physiological and psychological underpinnings of the disorders. Taking appropriate steps in a linear fashion to reduce and eliminate the basis the eating disorder. I feel you can recover from an eating disorder and I define recovery as: Patient is whole and healthy, no longer overly concerned about weight, food, etc., and no longer making decisions based largely on losing weight or fear of weight gain.
FEES: Cash, Payment Plans, Personal Checks, Patient needs to apply for reimbursement.