CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Psy.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 8-10 years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: I have received specialized training in eating disorders -initially coordinating clinical trials for adolescents with eating disorders (2005-2011), through my internship at UNC Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders (2011), and an eating disorder research/clinical postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University in their eating disorders program. I am currently the attending psychologist on the medical inpatient unit at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and care for individuals with eating disorders who are acutely medically ill. I also work in the outpatient clinic at UCSF treating young patients (up to age 25) with eating disorders. I recently published a book on the practice of Family-Based Treatment for eating disorders. I treat individuals with all types of eating issues across the lifespan and have a special expertise in Family-Based Treatment.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I practice evidence-based treatment and use the latest scientific findings to inform my work with individuals and families. My approach is generally cognitive behavioral with an emphasis on including the family whenever possible as a source of support. When working with young patients with eating disorders, I especially focus on empowering parents to take a central role in the recovery process and use Family-Based Treatment as my first-line approach. The family-focused and behavioral model I utilize is also enhanced through incorporation of principles of mindfulness and acceptance.
FEES: Cash, Personal Checks, “Provider out of the network” in a PPO: Patient needs to apply for reimbursement. UCSF accepts most private insurance plans. I do not accept insurance in my private practice.