CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: M.D., Internal Medicine. Fellowship in Psychiatry.
BOARD CERTIFIED: Yes, American Board of Internal Medicine.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 8-10 years
Number of patients with eating disorders we treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: I attended medical school at UCSF and internal medicine residency at California Pacific Medical Center which was primarily inpatient and high acuity care. since then, I have worked in combined in and outpatient settings with a focus on difficult to diagnose and/or treat illness and especially eating disorders. I completed a fellowship in primary care psychiatry and recently Certified Eating Disorder Specialist credentialing and in 2022 I started my own practice after several years with a large HMO.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I work in a holistically with clients ages 15 and up with eating disorders and other comorbid conditions at the intersection of mental and physical health. I use a health at every size approach and focus on nutritional restoration and patient focused health goals. I prefer a team approach and am happy to collaborate with team members as indicated/desired. I use psychopharmacology and cutting edge treatment modalities in my approach.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Personal Checks