CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 2-5 years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually:15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: I am trained in Family Based Treatment and CBT-AR for ARFID. I work with adolescents and adults struggling with Anorexia, ARFID.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: My sessions are deeply rooted in non-judgement and trust. I utilize a combination of Dialectical Behavioral skills with Family Based Treatment for eating disorders. I am also trained in CBT-AR for clients struggling with ARFID. I am a strongly believe in recovery from an eating disorder. I strive to meet my clients where they are at during their journey and guide them towards developing a life outside of the preoccupation around food, body image and body dissatisfaction. My work also incorporates addressing cultural differences underlying the ED. ED recovery is a team effort which includes medical management, ED qualified nutritionist and therapist. Recovery includes psychological and physical reduction of symptoms.
FEES:Cash, Credit Cards, Personal Checks