CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: M.A. Counseling Psychology Licensed MFT.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 25+ years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 75
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: I am a licensed psychotherapist with more than 25 years experience treating clients with food, weight, and body image concerns. I have a Masters in counseling psychology and have taught a workshop for MFT’s about treating eating disorders.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I am passionate about my work and my style of therapy is interactive, sensitive and compassionate. I believe eating disorders are 100% treatable. Along with treating the underlying emotional issue at the root of the eating disorder, I teach clients to trust their bodies and learn to eat intuitively.
I think it is possible to recover from an eating disorder. Recovery is coming to a place of total comfort with food and weight. By learning to trust your body signals and responding to your body’s signal, you find peace with food and your body finds its own natural weight.
FEES: Cash, Personal Checks, Sliding Scale, Insurance (I provide invoice for client to submit). If PPO, patient needs to apply for reimbursement.