CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Licensed Marriage Family Therapist. I’m currently in a certificate program at JFK for Eating Disorders.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 2-5 years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 5-10
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: Workshops, internship program, certificate program through JFK, 2-5 years of working with ED clients, facilitating support groups for outpatient ED people, living and healing through own ED experience.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: Addressing the underlying issues that create the need to participate in/develop disorders, seeking to create/find balance – body/mind/spirit as a healing modality. Creating safe space that encourages healing, exploring and transitioning thru difficult life experience.
Yes, I do believe it is possible to recover from at eating disorder. I define recovery as having that moment when you can breathe and know you are in control; control of those thoughts in your head that you have determined are not your truth which have been affecting your feelings and causing distressing actions/behaviors. Control of your behaviors rather than the behaviors in control of you. And…knowing the difference.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Personal Checks, Sliding Scale, Atena, Blue Shield, Cigna, GEHA, Coastal Health Care, Community Health Plan, Magellan, MHN, TriWest/Optum, United Behavioral Health, Value Options, Victim Witness United Health Care, Out of network provider for Blue Cross, If patient covered by “provider out of network” in a PPO will bill on behalf of patient.