CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Boston University School of Medicine BA, MD Georgetown University, internship UC Irvine, residency Stanford University Medical Informatics certificate.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 10+ years
Number of patients with eating disorders we treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: General practice wellness and prevention hypertension, diabetes.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: Personal affordable accessible practice. Accept no insurance but 24/7 access and within 48 hours for established patients. No waiting. Total chart access and worldwide availability via email.
Yes, I feel you can recover from an eating disorder. Recovery is a lifetime process one day at a time. Patient must continue regular care and recovery groups often for a lifetime, and “cure” means staying connected and helping others. Recovery from any addiction is a remitting and relapsing daily challenge. Knowing when to ask for help is the key and staying connected is what makes help possible. “Cure” is really just surrendering, forgiving, helping others, and strong safe coping mechanisms.Life is not black and white, it is a happy in-between grey.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Personal Checks, Insurance: PPOs and HSAs may submit their own superbills usually “Provider out of the network” in a PPO: patient needs to apply for reimbursement.