CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: MS, RD specializing in Eating Disorders
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 2-5 years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: My name is Emily Edelson and I am a Registered Dietitian based in Santa Cruz, CA. I have been practicing as a dietitian in the disordered eating space since 2020. I completed my undergraduate degree at Tulane University in public health and later went on to get my Master of Science in Nutrition Interventions from Tufts University’s Friedman School. After completing my dietetic internship through the University of Houston, I passed the RD exam and started practicing in California. I’ve worked for the last 3 years at a few IOP/PHP eating disorder clinics all over the Bay Area where I supported clients with a variety of eating disorders and from diverse backgrounds. I have been working with clients privately for the same amount of time. My areas of expertise include eating disorders, body image issues, challenging fat phobia and athletes w/ eating disorders, etc. I am deeply passionate about fat liberation and spreading awareness of eating disorders in the communities in which I live and work.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I practice within the Health at Every Size approach, which is weight-inclusive care that focuses on increasing health promoting behaviors rather than decreasing things that may bring joy.
I focus on self-talk reframing and body image distress strategies and techniques to help clients listen to internal hunger/fullness cues and respect their current bodies.
FEES: Credit Cards, Payment Plan, Sliding Scale, HSA; out-of-network, no insurance, provides Superbills