NYT: “Scientists Don’t Agree on What Causes Obesity, but They Know What Doesn’t”

A select group of the world’s top researchers studying obesity gathered at the Royal Society to discuss the causes of obesity. Read the full article here. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can learn more about various care options here. EDRC provides support groups and maintains a comprehensive directory of specialized treatment providers…

NYT: “Pulses to Their Brains and 2 Women’s Binge Eating Went Away”

A small study involving two people demonstrated that deep brain stimulation, normally a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, diminishes urges to binge eat. Read the full article here. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can learn more about various care options here. EDRC provides support groups and maintains a comprehensive directory of specialized treatment…

NYT: “You Don’t Look Anorexic”

Many larger-bodied people are also starving themselves but not receiving appropriate, timely diagnoses. Sharon Maxwell shares her story as someone recovering from atypical anorexia, having suffered from disordered eating for 19 years. Read the full article here. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can learn more about various…

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Our Fall 2022 Family and Friends Newsletter features our collective gratitude for our supporters, donors, and volunteers. In this edition, we showcase our 2022 Be-You-tiful, Be Free Multimedia Contest winners, our new Program Manager and other highlights from the season. Read more about these and other stories by clicking here. Never miss a moment! You…

Unmasked – A Triumphant Memoir of Recovery from Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorder, and PTSD

Unmasked is the true story of Abild-Pedersen’s struggles with an eating disorder, post-traumatic stress and physical ailments caused by childhood trauma. Throughout the article, Abild-Pedersen revisits her search for answers that leads to childhood trauma. Read the full article here. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can learn more…