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The Hill: YouTube changing policies on content related to eating disorders

“The company has existing policies geared at taking down content that ‘glorifies or promotes’ eating disorders, it said, but will now move to limit content that includes ‘imitable behavior’ that at-risk viewers could copy. Examples cited in the release include disordered eating like severe calorie restriction, ‘purging’ after eating and ‘weight-based bullying in the context…

Person on scale

The Sacramento Bee: Eating disorders are rising. California bill would require schools to address body shaming

“Assembly Bill 10 would require school districts, county offices of education and charter schools to develop and adopt policies and resources about body shaming before the 2025–26 school year… Nearly 1 in 10 Americans is believed to struggle with an eating disorder, which includes anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, during their lifetime, according to…

The Dove Self-Esteem Project logo with two additional, smaller doves

PR Newswire: The Dove Self-Esteem Project Calls for Action to Address Youth Mental Health Crisis Caused by Social Media

“The Dove Self-Esteem Project is partnering with Cultural Icon & People’s Advocate Lizzo, Common Sense Media and ParentsTogether Action to advance the 2023 Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which supports updated design standards, safeguards and tools that protect kids’ overall experiences online, and would limit their exposure to toxic beauty content proven to erode their…

Measuring tape wrapped tight around a fork

Mercury News Op-Ed: We talk about diets, but eating disorders are the real concern

“Instead of pursuing a resolution to lose weight, let’s make it a resolution to better understand eating disorders.” Read the full article here. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can learn more about various care options here. EDRC provides support groups and maintains a comprehensive directory of specialized treatment providers in the Bay…