BOARD CERTIFIED: Yes, certified by the Psychiatry Board
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 5-8 years
Number of patients with eating disorders we treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: CEDS (Certified Eating Disorder Specialist) Supervision through IAEDP (International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals); Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology; Adult Psychiatry: University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix Campus 2014-2017; Internship: University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix Campus 2013-2014; Medical School: Arizona College of Osteopathic; Medicine: Midwestern University 2009-2013; B.S. Biology: Arizona State University 2000-2004
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: Dr. Zehring has a passion for the comprehensive care of eating disorders and co-occurring disorders. He understands the unique challenges of recovery and partners with his patients in a compassionate manner to help them achieve physical and mental wellness. Dr. Zehring’s approach to psychiatric care is centered on a warm, inviting, and non-judgmental space where patients feel understood. Dr. Zehring has a passion for understanding how nutrition, movement, and relationships impact the overall wellness of his patients. He seeks to provide highly individualized and evidence-based treatment engaging the patient in a conversation about their well-being.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards
INSURANCE: None, but superbills provided