Whole Family MD
BOARD CERTIFIED: Yes, American Board of Family Practice
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 20+
Number of patients with eating disorders we treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: I attended the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine and completed my residency at the University of California, San Francisco. I am a board certified Family Physician. I began focusing on eating disorders as I realized how common they were in my practice. My focus is on the outpatient treatment of eating disorders. I work closely with therapists, psychiatrists, nutritionists and family members as a team to support and heal the patient with the eating disorder.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: The patient is not their eating disorder. Compassion, listening, and support help to set the stage for the trust that is necessary when setting the limits that must exist when we treat the eating disorder.
FEES: Cash, Superbills provided. We are non-participating providers in Medicare, meaning that if you have Medicare your fees are capped based on Medicare fees and we will submit your claims for reimbursement*.
*We submit claims electronically for our patients to insurance companies, but, we do not accept “assignment”. Reimbursement is not guaranteed.