CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: MA, LMFT, CIEC. I’m a therapist and certified intuitive eating counselor. I specialize in eating disorders, disordered eating, and all things related to food and body.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 10+
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: I received my MA from Argosy University. I was trained while working at an eating disorder treatment center (Center for Discovery) and became a trainer for new therapists. I’ve done many certifications in the eating disorder niche and don’t remember all of them at this point. I’ve completed the intuitive eating training by Evelyn Tribole. I’ve created a community for myself within ED professionals and stay on top of relevant information, news, and trends. I do many CEU trainings given by ED Tx centers. I’ve been the clinical director of an ED treatment center.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I utilize psychology and neuroscience in my practice. I believe Eds are: physical (medical), psychological (trauma/upbringing/abuse); and habitual (repetitive ED bxs) that need to be unlearned.
FEES: Cash, Credit Card, Payment Plan