CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Eating Disorders Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP), and Residential Treatment Centers (RTC).
BOARD CERTIFIED: Yes, certified by the Psychiatric Board.
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 8-10 years
Number of patients with eating disorders we treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: We employ licensed clinicians, who have at least Master’s degree or higher. All team members constantly continue to learn and train under the supervision of champions in the field.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: Eating disorders are known to rob an individual of their identity, disempower and destroy one’s self esteem, all while obsessing about food. We work hard to educate our clients about the most current science, teach and help implement essential coping skills, support and validate one’s thoughts and feelings. Our program is deeply rooted in principles of Health at Every Size, social justice and unapologetic self love. We are here to help you find your voice, your courage and your strength.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Payment Plan.
INSURANCE: In network with Cigna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Magellan, Health Net, United Healthcare, Optum, Value Options, Kaiser, ComPsych.