The COVID-19 pandemic continues set new records in both cases and deaths here in California and across the nation. While it is commonly seen as a respiratory illness, COVID-19 also produces unwanted side effects in mental health communities as well. Kerrie Leonard, a PhD student in Developmental Science, Human Development, and Family Science at North Dakota State University and Dr. Elizabeth Blodgett Salafia, a professor at North Dakota State University, examines ways in which the pandemic has damaged the eating disorder community in their article titled Unwanted Effects of COVID-19: Eating Disorders. The article covers key topics such as the scarcity mindset, relationships to trauma, and our health care system’s difficulty in treating eating disorders.
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can learn more about various care options here. You can also support the EDRC’s mission further by making a tax deductible donation.