CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Licensed Clincial Social Worker
BOARD CERTIFIED: IECA – Independent Educational Consultant Association
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 10+
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 5-10
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: ASG works with both adolescent and young adult clients, usually ranging in ages from approximately 12 to 28 years old. Our expertise includes but is not limited to: therapeutic placement, planning and implementing interventions, transition planning, and special needs educational planning. ASG provides clinically focused coaching for families, and on going case management and transition planning as well.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: Thorough and exhaustive assessment and gathering of relevant clinical history, on going collaborations with other clinical professionals working with client, listening to and aligning with client and family needs and desires for positive outcomes.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Payment Plan, Personal Checks
If patient covered by “Provider out of the network” in a PPO: Patient needs to apply for reimbursement.
INSURANCE: Does not accept.