CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Our multidisciplinary team consists of Internal Medicine Physicians, Family Medicine Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Registered Nurses, Registered Dietitians, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and Child Life Specialists. Credentials include: MD, FACP, FAED, CEDS, PSYD, RD, CEDRD, RN, LCSW, PT, OT, CNA, & BHT. Most of our clinical and medical providers are Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS).
BOARD CERTIFIED: The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), Physicians are certified in Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine
Number of years treating clients with eating disorders: 17+
Number of clients with eating disorders we treat annually: 250+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: ACUTE is the only insurance designated “Center of Excellence” for medical stabilization in the United States. Providers at ACUTE are collectively the most published researchers in the nation with an expertise in eating disorder care; Most of whom are certified by the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp) as Certified Eating Disorder Specialists (CEDS).
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL STABILIZATION: A multidisciplinary team is assembled for each patient. Our care team members develop an individualized treatment plan and share approaches from physical, physiological, mental, emotional, social and nutritional perspectives for patients who are suffering from medical complications due to extreme and severe cases of eating disorders. Patients have private rooms, private bathrooms, and receive all clinical and medical interventions 1:1 with their care team member.
FEES: Commercial & Private Health Insurance (bill on the medical side) and self pay
Will bill on behalf of patient
ACUTE Denver Health Patient and Family Brochure