CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
BOARD CERTIFIED: Yes, California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 5-8 years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 5-10
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: Graduated in 2015 from California Institute of Integral Studies. I have over 7 years of training in the field of Counseling Psychology. I work primarily with women and teens. Some areas of focus: disordered eating, body image concerns, anxiety/depression, major life transitions, grief/loss, relationship distress, and emotion regulation.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I believe the more awareness we build within ourselves and our relationships, the more we can be active participants in shaping the lives we want to live. In my therapy practice I utilize CBT/DBT, Mindfulness, trauma-informed care, and strength-based approaches to treatment.
Recovery is definitely within reach. It takes motivation, readiness, and a desire to create real change. In order to sustain a healthy relationship to food and self-care we have to be patient with ourselves and trust in the process.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Personal Checks, Sliding Scale “Provider out of the network” in a PPO: Patient needs to apply for reimbursement.
INSURANCE: I don’t contract with any insurance companies.