CREDENTIALS/DISCIPLINE: Clinical Psychologist (PsyD)
Number of years treating patients with eating disorders: 10+ years
Number of patients with eating disorders I treat annually: 15+
EDUCATION, TRAINING, and EXPERTISE: PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium trained. I developed and led the eating disorder and trauma treatment programs at Kaiser before moving to be Clinical Director at The Lotus Collaborative eating disorder treatment center prior to private practice.
TREATMENT PHILOSOPHY: I take a health at every size approach. I utilize DBT and embodied therapy work to address the emotions, attachment wounds, traumas, and beliefs that keep an eating disorder locked in place and help empower an individual to unlock it with skill-based interventions.
I define recovery as freedom to live life without shame and fear creating walls around a person.
FEES: Cash, Credit Cards, Personal Checks. Patient needs to apply for reimbursement to their insurance provider.